Monday, December 10, 2012

The Gift...

Today I wanted to share about the beautiful story of a gift.  It was a gift straight from heaven itself.  I
was standing beside a lady at a local church that I have been attending pretty regular.  I saw and I noticed the most beautiful pin she was wearing on her lapel.  A lot of women no longer do this as our society has somehow gotten away from ladies wearing pins on their lapels.  I am a lover of beautiful items and things that reflect a life of elegance and beauty.  I looked and began to admire the  pin she was wearing.  I was full of jewels just sparkling with elegance.  It was a peacock.  The top of it's head was full of lovely jewels and the bottom had the most beautiful red rubylike jewel.  I will tell you why now it captured my attention.

My mother's last name was Peacock.  She proudly found many items that she displayed in her home that bear that.  I have some things that I have of hers that I cherish.  My mother has gone on to be with the Lord and her reward.  This item seemed to warm my heart and the memories of my mother begin to flood my heart as I felt she was speaking to me at that moment.  I mentioned to the lady that my mother's last name was that and then she did something so amazing.  She begin to take the pin off of her lapel.  She handed that pin to me a complete stranger and said "This is a gift from God to you" Even though my mother is gone from this world I felt her love for me so strong at that moment.  You can not imagine the joy that I felt at that moment.  I never thought in a million years to have it for my very own.  She further stated that she knew when she put that pin on that  day that she would give it as a gift.  Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

I am one who believes that God loves us enough to give us sometimes the gifts to our heart.  I am not or will I ever believe that gifts no matter how small or large can not warm the heart.  It is not always about the gift but the giver.  As this season rapidly approaches we must learn the true meaning of Christmas as Jesus was God's gift to the world.  He loved us so much that he gave his son to give others hope in a world that knew no hope.  I am not a really big fan of the holiday's in fact quite honestly I struggle with the true meaning for myself and for others.  I hope that it is not about how much debt you got yourself into.  Or how much shopping that really gets done.  We are a society with way too many things.  It is about showing an act of love or kindness one for the other.  For family and friends and even perhaps a stranger like I was to this lady who gave me her pin.   This is your opportunity to volunteer to give to those less fortunate to do without perhaps for a meal for someone a warm blanket a pair of gloves.  It may not be in your power to do something material.  Perhaps write a letter or send a card to a young man or woman as they fight for our country and freedom.  Others may be in prison a nursing home. Volunteer to help those who are less fortunate serving food at your local church or parish or temple.  It matters more that you will give the gift of your time to others.  These gifts are just the gifts of ourselves and that is what the season to me is all about.  For love of mankind your fellow man or woman or child that is in need of sometimes a helping hand or to be shown kindness and love. Thanks for reading and may your day be filled with love and kindness for others...Tonya Nooks @c2012

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